Sunday 16 February 2014

Roman Alphabet.

This alphabet is the latest incarnation of a letter form that I have been working on with a good friend Eric Marland. I'm lucky enough to have collaborate on a few projects like this one with Eric, he's an amazingly talented letterer with a breadth of knowledge about letter form that I envy. He shares my passion for letters (his wife Renee has christened us and a few like minded travelers "the lettering bores" a title I wear with pride).
 These letters are based on classical forms that are neither Roman caps as we think of it, nor Rustic but are somewhere in-between. Our minds tend to think only Roman letters as either being imperial caps or rustic, but the Romans produced every shade in between and often on the same plaque. These letters are based on just such letters.

sketch in stone.

drawing for the Alphabet.

Original prep drawings.

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